I probably don’t have to tell you this. You probably didn’t hear Rodney Taylor’s squeal of delight at winning at the TBA Award Celebration Monday night.
But you also didn’t hear us scream, “We lost! We Lost! The world is ending! Our lives are over, over, over! We just want to die!”

No, Left Coast Theatre Co. didn’t take the first-ever TBA Award for Best Anthology. It was a disappointment. It would have been great to be part of the very first crop of winners, but the world didn’t come crashing down around us. We may be theater folk, but we aren’t actually children.
We had a good run. We had a month of being finalists. We got to dress up and have pre-show cocktails at the St. Francis Hotel. And we got to take part in a real-live awards ceremony at the very-swank Geary Theater. Rodney even got to get up onstage to represent for LCTC. Hardly a bad time.

And even without carrying a prize home, we’re still a part of history – a fact I can assure you we will milk for every ounce of promotional power we possibly can. Personally, I’m considering getting a tattoo of the TBA 2014 logo somewhere obvious but not tacky so I can flash it at will.
Oh sure, the shine will rub off all of this over time. For now, though, we can all bask a little longer in the fact that we’re a part of San Francisco theater history. Pretty cool.
So here’s to LCTC and all of the people who make it a weird and wonderful place to play. I’m so glad to be a part of it.
And next year we win.